Explore Vitality
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NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), is a fascinating concept that plays a significant role in our daily calorie expenditure. While we often focus on structured exercise for burning calories, NEAT encompasses all the energy we expend through non-exercise activities like, standing, fidgeting, and even gardening.
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NEAT refers to the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise. For example doing household chores, and even tapping your foot while sitting. NEAT varies greatly among individuals and can significantly influence overall calorie expenditure.
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NEAT plays a crucial role in our daily calorie burn. While structured exercise contributes to calorie expenditure, NEAT can account for a substantial portion of our total energy output, especially for individuals who engage in lower-intensity exercise or have sedentary jobs.
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Increasing NEAT has several health benefits. It can help with weight management by burning additional calories throughout the day. It also promotes cardiovascular health, improves insulin sensitivity, and enhances overall metabolic function.
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Simple strategies like taking short walks, standing more often, using a standing desk, opting for active transportation, and incorporating movement breaks during sedentary activities can all contribute to higher NEAT levels.
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Credit: Unsplash
NEAT is a powerful yet often overlooked component of our daily energy expenditure. By incorporating more non-exercise activities into our routine and being mindful of our movement throughout the day, we can boost NEAT levels, improve calorie burn, and enhance overall health.